

(等级5 - 8)

在马林地平线, 高中是一个探索和发展的时期, 这两个学术, 社会, 作为一个世界公民. 这是一个非常学习和成长的时期. 


Students are encouraged to work on self-advocacy and academic resilience as they develop critical thinking skills. And they are encouraged to celebrate differences and share their perspectives in an expanding community.


每天早上, 学生们分组上课, 将他们的经验与顾问和一群同龄人联系起来. Longer advisory meetings happen weekly and create a sense of belonging within the larger community. Our student-led Middle School Meeting is a gathering time to feel a sense of commonality while also celebrating the unique talents and interests of the student presenters.


最重要的是, the 上学校 endeavors to help students take ownership of their own education and graduate with a strong sense of self and a desire to contribute positively to the world.




本于2019年加入Marin Horizon. 在他到达之前,他在一个监狱里服役她的学校领导角色 including as Head of Middle School at Friends Seminary in New York, 洛杉矶Turning Point学校的副校长, and as Assistant Director of Elementary School at Wildwood School in Los Angeles. 本开始了他的教师生涯, 首先是在纽黑文的富特学校, CT, 然后在洛杉矶的怀尔德伍德学校.

本得了B.S. in Liberal 研究 from Southern Connecticut State University, and an Ed.M. 毕业于哈佛大学教育学专业. 


Our curriculum challenges students to achieve their academic potential during a time of extraordinary growth.


在十大电子游艺网站节目的高潮, seventh and eighth grades focus on developing the ability to engage in abstract thinking and synthesize and analyze complex issues. Students build on the beginning research skills they have acquired and apply them to long-term projects in science and the humanities. 


高中课程是以探究为基础的, and Essential Questions are introduced throughout the students’ experience. Major projects, based on these questions, help students become skilled and confident public speakers.


所有的类都有一定程度的差异, depending on the range of skills of the students in the classroom. The curriculum is designed to help students develop new skills as they work towards mastering content.


Students engage in all of the arts offerings in 5th and 6th grades and are then offered choices to pursue in the arts for 7th and 8th grades.


The 上学校 program is strongly project-based, with a focus on integrated, hands-on learning. There are also many touchpoints for integrating the curriculum across disciplines.


科学 and 社会研究 classes are taught in mixed grade groupings, opening up opportunities for academic interactions with a larger number of students and providing deeper levels of collaborative learning experiences.

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社会 & 情感学习

When families visit Marin Horizon, they often comment, “It feels so friendly and warm.” 


At 十大电子游艺网站, social and emotional learning is part of the fabric of our school. 除了学术重点, our faculty and staff work with students – intentionally and proactively – to cultivate self awareness, 自我管理, 健康的关系, 以及对彼此的责任. 


Our teaching teams subscribe to both the Responsive Classrooms program and restorative justice practices to create an environment for these human to human interactions to thrive. 除了, both Lower School and 上学校 teaching teams meet regularly to discuss the mood and pulse of each classroom, 以及个别学生, 目的是在需要的时候提供支持, 通常与家庭合作.   


“We prioritize the size and composition of our classes and intentionally design our campus layout to create conditions for kids to grow into amazing young people!课程主任Anna Varnay-Truong说 & 指令.



Our Outdoor/经验 教育 program is a hallmark of the Marin Horizon experience. 十大电子游艺网站位于米尔谷的中心, 在Tamalpais山脚下, 被开阔空间包围, 小径, 高耸的红杉. Students will explore the wonder of the natural world during class outings, 一天旅行, 一夜之间的冒险. They practice skills to interact safely with wild spaces, and learn about 环境管理.


除了, opt-in student clubs allow for participation in student leadership, 环境管理, 服务学习, 和更多的. And school sports give interested students a chance to participate on athletic teams.


The 上学校 程序 is undoubtedly a comprehensive academic program, as demonstrated by students who graduate into the high schools of their choice. What makes the program truly stand out - is when one observes the students in action, 课堂之外. The program is experiential by design, where students learn as part of "experiencing" the lessons. 他们建造弹射器和鲁布·戈德堡模型来学习物理, debate passionately on topics like student's right to free speech within the confines of the school boundaries in Humanities, 或者在表演艺术中展现出他们内心的天后. 正是在这样的环境中,人们才能看到知识, 信心, 以及发音技巧, and how developing a confident voice has prepared the students for a life of compassionate leadership.

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这是七年级和八年级的传统, the 弹射器发射 is the way they learn about Newton's Laws of Motion. 在小团队中工作, 他们的设计, 构造, 失败, and recover - competing for bragging rights in this Olympic-styled event, 全校师生都在欢呼. 

"The biggest lesson I learn is that 失败ure is just a stepping stone to success."



一个为期两个月的社会研究和语言艺术练习, 学生们研究一个与他们相关的有争议的话题. 他们提出支持和反对该动议的论据, 并与持相反观点的团队进行辩论. 这是一场盛会,整个社区的人都参加了. 



音乐的 & 玩

巨蟒和圣杯, 绿野仙踪, 或者《十大电子游艺网站》——学生们可以用他们的声音, 不同的口音, 尽情享受吧. 每年, the school is talking about the breakout star who no one knew possessed such a talent for the stage.

"The 6th grader who plays Nick Bottom - belongs at the Globe Theatre in London."

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学校可能没有跑道, but you wouldn't know it when you see the upper school students compete in regional events. The Physical and Outdoor 教育 programs leverage the surrounding natural 小径 to hone their running skills, 在路上和小路上. 

"Every upper school student participates in the track meet - we value courage."


